Five things you should know about having your teeth straightened at Dental Works

We’d like to tell you that you don’t have to live with a bad bite or uneven teeth for the rest of your life thanks to advances in modern teeth straightening systems.

Here at Dental Works we offer patients a trusted treatment called Invisible Braces. You may have heard of this before and we would be happy to explain how they work in detail at your next appointment which you can make by calling us on 0308-2009504

If you’ve always suffered with wonky teeth then you probably struggled through your school years. Have you ever considered whether orthodontic treatment can be of benefit to you? Here are five things we would like you to know:

1. New opportunities: Having straighter teeth can be of enormous benefit in many areas of your life. Being the proud owner of the smile of your dreams can increase your confidence and attractiveness; it’s a well-known fact that a smile is the first thing people notice.

2. Confidence: It won’t just affect your social life, think how you would feel delivering the next presentation at work knowing that you don’t have to hide your teeth throughout it, and then finishing with a flourish by flashing that million-dollar smile! In fact, statistics show that people with straighter teeth actually do better at job interviews. This could be down to a number of things, from increased confidence and imparting trust among future employers, to generally appearing cleaner, more hygienic and personable.

3. Improved oral hygiene: On the subject of cleanliness, if you currently struggle with your oral hygiene (does your dentist constantly tell you about plaque accumulation?) it’s probably because uneven teeth are actually harder to clean. Think about it, if the teeth aren’t in a straight line it leaves more underlying spaces for food and bacteria to hide, making it trickier to clean even with the best toothbrush in the world. Orthodontic treatment could improve the health of your teeth and gums and this has a far-reaching effect on the health of your whole body.

4. Discreet and quick: If the idea of years of ‘brace face’ puts you off, there’s no need to let that school-day era of name-calling haunt you. There are a multitude of short-term and invisible orthodontic solutions available that will allow you to achieve the smile of your dreams without having to deal with a mouth full of wire. Even these shorter solutions will give you a sense of achievement at the end of it all. It might not be the two-year slog that orthodontic treatment once was but it still requires care and attention in terms of keeping the appliance clean and sticking with it through to the end of the treatment.

5. Personal satisfaction: No matter which teeth straightening system you opt for, at the end of your treatment you can expect to feel a wonderful sense of achievement. From seeing that niggle that you’d noticed in photos straightened out or noticing an improvement in the shape of your face and profile, your satisfaction is the reward that we look forward to with you at the end of your clinical treatment.
There’s no doubt about it, taking the leap to straighten your smile will positively impact on every area of your life, the only question is, what’s stopping you?
You will also be pleased to know that we offer FREE orthodontic consultation appointments!

If you have any questions about having your teeth straightened, be sure to book an appointment with us today to discuss your options and payment plans.

Drop into our practice or call 0308-2009504
